A Response to Choice.
Here's the thing, you can justify it with whatever makes you sleep at night, but at the end of the day you still killed your own child. Call it a fetus or an embryo or a clump of cells, it doesn't change the fact that you knowingly killed your own child for personal gain.
You can spin it as some sort of empowerment, but again, at the end of the day you are no better than anyone else who kills for profit. Just because society sanctions the killing doesn't make it any less horrendous.
Abortion is not a "woman's right". No one has the right to kill another person, not a woman, not the state, no one. We live in a time where life seems almost meaningless, but it is so sacred.
People complain about war, about poverty and suffering, but how in the world could we expect anyone to value life if mothers don't even value the life of their children? We have become so flipant, so callous about death, but yet even the most hardened seem to cringe when the obvious fallout occurs.
I know that we are all selfish, that we all sin and all flounder, yet it is amazing to me that our selfish nature has become so overwhelming that it has penetrated the bond of mother and child.
I ask you this. What does the pro-life side gain by extinguishing abortion? What do I personally gain? When you tear down the strawman of "controlling women" what is left for me to gain? I gain nothing, but our children, your children gain everything. The gain life and hope, for where there is life there is hope.
What does the pro-choice side gain by keeping abortion? Each individual man and woman gain an out from responsibility. They are able to indulge in self fulfilling activities without the worry or care of the child they bring into the world. They indulge their selfish natures. Where there is abortion there is an out, and we so desperately want that out.
Now, not only are we indulging our selfish natures with abortion, we are indulging our vanity with human blood. We are profiting on others sins, and literally buying a fountain of youth with the slaughter of the young.
Please, stop the killing. It will be our downfall.
You can spin it as some sort of empowerment, but again, at the end of the day you are no better than anyone else who kills for profit. Just because society sanctions the killing doesn't make it any less horrendous.
Abortion is not a "woman's right". No one has the right to kill another person, not a woman, not the state, no one. We live in a time where life seems almost meaningless, but it is so sacred.
People complain about war, about poverty and suffering, but how in the world could we expect anyone to value life if mothers don't even value the life of their children? We have become so flipant, so callous about death, but yet even the most hardened seem to cringe when the obvious fallout occurs.
I know that we are all selfish, that we all sin and all flounder, yet it is amazing to me that our selfish nature has become so overwhelming that it has penetrated the bond of mother and child.
I ask you this. What does the pro-life side gain by extinguishing abortion? What do I personally gain? When you tear down the strawman of "controlling women" what is left for me to gain? I gain nothing, but our children, your children gain everything. The gain life and hope, for where there is life there is hope.
What does the pro-choice side gain by keeping abortion? Each individual man and woman gain an out from responsibility. They are able to indulge in self fulfilling activities without the worry or care of the child they bring into the world. They indulge their selfish natures. Where there is abortion there is an out, and we so desperately want that out.
Now, not only are we indulging our selfish natures with abortion, we are indulging our vanity with human blood. We are profiting on others sins, and literally buying a fountain of youth with the slaughter of the young.
Please, stop the killing. It will be our downfall.
Beautifully and poignantly written Lauren. I agree 100%. "Women Deserve Better than Abortion" and "Abortion Hurts for a Lifetime" are two messages I carry to the abortion clinic sidewalk as a hopeful final appeal to the often self-centered minds that enter, only later to exit with hearts never quite the same again. Abortion is not the innocuous "rewind button" of life, but a profoundly life-changing, very poor "choice" for women and all of humanity.
AbortionHurts, at 10:30 AM
Well, I just don`t agree.
But I`m sorry your son is sick.
L., at 1:50 PM
Thank you for your concern, l.
Which part exactly do you not agree with? You are welcome to explain your views as long as everything stays respectful.
Lauren, at 2:07 PM
My main disagreement is that all women who have abortions are selfish, youth-craving people. I`ve never had an abortion, but I know literally dozens of woman who have, and all did so for very different reasons. I disagree with some of their reasons, and would have tried to talk some of them out of what they did, had I known them at the time -- but others, I think I would have done the same thing in their place.
I am not pro-life. In fact, in many ways, I think I am a typical pro-choicer -- I`m certainly not one of the NARAL "Abortion-is-great!" rah-rahs. Unlike many pro-choicers, I acknowlege that an embryo is more than a "clump of cells" -- it`s a human being in a tiny, undeveloped state. Yet, I don`t believe this tiny, undeveloped human`s right to life is greater than the right of the women in which it is gestating. I don`t believe the right to life is absolute, under all circumstances.
I`m not interested in a debate, because I know abortion is not debatable for people like you who are pro-life, and truly believe that human lie is sacred and the right to life trumps all others. I am only commenting here to say that not all of us pro-choicers are selfish, superficial people -- although some of us have what you no doubt would consider "moral blind spots."
L., at 2:28 PM
I understand that not all pro-choice individuals are pro-choice for selfish reasons, but those who aren't are very misguided in my opinion.
Women or men who support choice unselfishly, often do so because they truly believe that if there is no choice, women will become subservient, miserable, and uneducated.
Abortion is then seen as the lesser of two evils. However, it is not necessary to have this attitude. These types of pro-choicers and pro-lifers can work together to ensure that women can have both children and a fulfilling life. If we could cut the number of women who abort because they have to, we would so greatly reduce the overall number of abortions.
Lauren, at 2:44 PM
You are free to think of me as "misguided." I`ve been called much worse.
However, I can imagine having abortion myself, in certain situations. Having my own babies made me even more pro-choice.
I have never been one of the, "It`s not for me!" pro-choicers -- Yes, I want that "out" option, as you put it, although I hope I never am in the situation to exercise the option. It has nothing to do with "climbing the corporate ladder" -- if my health were ever threatened by a pregnancy, I want the option of ending it. If I were raped, I want the option of a morning-after pill. If I were ever carrying a baby with severe deformities that couldn`t survive outside me, I would opt for an abortion over a c-section. For me, it would depend on the situation.
You say, "If we could cut the number of women who abort because they have to, we would so greatly reduce the overall number of abortions."
I agree with this, and I think that is where many on the pro-life side and the pro-choice side can agree. There`s no point in being pro-choice if women have abortions because they think, "This is my only choice."
L., at 2:55 PM
(For what it`s worth, I was born with a heart murmur, which got louder and louder through my teenage years, but then disappeared all together when I was around 20. I hope this is your son`s experience.)
L., at 2:57 PM
thank you, we're praying for the best. He was born with the murmer, but this is the first time since he was released from the hospital that it has returned.
Lauren, at 3:16 PM
Lauren, I am new to your blog and didn't realize your son was sick when I originally commented. My heart goes out to your family as we recently faced a health scare with our son regarding chronic migraines. Thankfully, his test results came back normal and I pray for equally good news for Holden. From reading your blog, I can see just how blessed he is to have such a faithful, loving, spirit-filled Mom. My prayers are with you, Lauren.
L, in reference to your post-abortive friends, you say " I disagree with some of their reasons, and would have tried to talk some of them out of what they did, had I known them at the time -- but others, I think I would have done the same thing in their place."
Could you explain under what conditions do you believe abortion is the BEST "choice" for women?
According to the abortion industry's own statistics from the Guttmacher Institute Reasons for Abortion, "Having a baby will dramatically change my life" was the number one reason for killing one's own child. The reasons you list such as rape, mother's health, and fetal health account for a minuscule percentage of abortions.
Based on these abortion-industry statistics and my own experiences at the sidewalk, I stand by the assertion most abortions are for "self-centered" reasons and cannot be morally justified once one's conscience moves beyond the "My body, My choice!" mantra.
Could you explain how "Having my own babies made me even more pro-choice"?
Over 20 years ago, while a Senior in college, I readily helped my best friend kill her baby through abortion, without any moral reservation or hesitancy on my part. It was a problem that had to be fixed, urgently and secretly, and I thought a "good friend" helped by providing support for such a "choice".
Yet when I was pregnant years later, feeling the miracle of new life kick within me awakened my conscience to the certitude and sanctity of unborn human life. Our children now 16, 14, 11 are constant reminders of what is lost with each abortive "choice" that is made.
AbortionHurts, at 11:31 AM
Thank you, he seems to be doing better now, though it could just be a latency period. His fever is gone, praise God, and he seems to feel much more like himself.
I'll be praying that yor son's migrains disappear, because I'm sure that even though it's not so scary any more, he's still not very comfortable.
I'm glad you've discoverd my blog, I hope to see you around often.
Lauren, at 2:11 PM
Did you notice, in the Guttmacher Institute`s stats, that “I can’t afford a baby
now” was cited by 73%, only 1% less than "Having a baby will dramatically change my life?" Also, women were allowed to check more than one answer -- 89% gave at least two and 72% gave at least three. So I don`t think it`s quite so clear-cut, that most abortions are for "self-centered" reasons. Some are clearly for financial reasons: a woman thinks she has absolutely no way of supporting a baby, or fears losing her job/home/scholarship/etc. if she continues her pregnancy, and therefore has "no choice" but abortion.
You ask why having my own babies made me even more pro-choice. Well, I went through three pregnancies and three c-sections, and thought, "No unwilling woman should ever be forced to go through all of this, against her will."
You and Lauren would certainly disagree, but I think abortion is the "best choice" for any woman who is absolutely certain she doesn`t want to continue her pregnancy, and understands exactly what she is doing. Remember -- I am someone who would have an abortion myself, so I obviously I have a very different point of view. So I am a potential "baby killer," in your eyes -- fine. I understand why you feel that way, and I don`t expect you to understand why I believe I could do something you find so reprehensible.
But I do know a few women who had abortions even though they really wanted to carry to term and give birth. Their situations were all different, but help was not available to any them. I didn`t know any of them at the time they did what they did, or I certainly would have tried to help them myself.
L., at 8:25 PM
Those women who feel they had "no choice" because of financial reasons are exactly the ones who have been the most hurt by the establishment of abortion and the ones who most need support through their pregnancies.
Someone who wishes to continue a pregnancy but is told repeatedly that she can not, is just another part of the tragedy of abortion.
This is why I have gone to the sidewalk, to try to help women who want their children, but feel they can not have them. I know I will not change the heart of someone who truly wants to kill her child, only God can do that.
Lauren, at 9:14 PM
Yes, I did notice "affordability" was a significant concern, yet this is a fixable condition certainly unworthy of the death penalty. Crisis Pregnancy Centers, churches, charitable organizations, generous individuals, and even the government, all want to financially help mothers and children, but somehow the offer goes unclaimed, resulting in thousands dead and wounded each day.
With three excruuuuuutiating deliveries myself, I have sincere empathy for the pain you endured in childbirth, but since we are both Christians, can I ask, how does our pain compare to being crucified on a cross for someone else's sins, including the sin of abortion? Therefore, in proper perspective, the normal pain of childbirth is mild and short-lived in comparison, plus look at what awesome gifts result from our painful labors!
What percentage of women entering the abortion clinic are "absolutely certain she doesn`t want to continue her pregnancy, and understands exactly what she is doing"? Not very many I have met, particularly if they are being honest. Most women have at least some inkling of uncertainty and sadness even up to placing their feet in the stirrups.
L, you don't have to call yourself self-deprecating names that Lauren and I wouldn't even use. You know I sincerely consider you a friend.
You say, "But I do know a few women who had abortions even though they really wanted to carry to term and give birth. Their situations were all different, but help was not available to any them. I didn`t know any of them at the time they did what they did, or I certainly would have tried to help them myself." That is exactly what sidewalk counselors and Crisis Pregnancy Centers try to do across the country and at your neighborhood abortion clinic. Come join us at the sidewalk, L.! You would be GREAT!
AbortionHurts, at 10:47 PM
"...how does our pain compare to being crucified on a cross for someone else's sins, including the sin of abortion?"
I am neither a saint nor a martyr, nor do I aspire to be one -- nor do I know for sure what I what do, if I were ever called upon to be one (and I hope I never find out). And I do not hold the rest of the world to Christian standards, since there are many non-Christians who see the world differently -- even in my own family (in fact, even in my own bed).
But you`re right -- I think I might make a good sidewalk counselor. Perhaps I wouldn`t make a "perfect" one in your eyes, because I don`t have a zero tolerance for abortion so I doubt I would try to "save" every case. But I would certainly offer help to the women facing crisis pregnancies, who wished they didn`t "have to" have abortions.
L., at 9:03 PM
L, You are "perfect" in His eyes and that's what is important, uniquely made and being continuously molded into the woman of whom He knows every detail, past, present, and future. You have the gift of a generous and loving heart, which is the only prerequisite for such ministry, in my opinion. Would you consider giving sidewalk counseling a try?
With all the truly sad stories I have encountered, I'm not sure even I have a concrete, absolutely no grey-area-ever, "zero tolerance for abortion", which is difficult to admit, but truthful. For instance, just today I encountered a very scared Spanish speaking couple that faced the prognosis of an ectopic pregnancy, with an urgency and moral dilemma of great difficulty. I was there to make sure they are given the opportunity for a second opinion besides the abortion clinic, a chance to confirm the mother's condition by ultrasound, and then the difficult decision is their's alone to make, while I earnestly pray and offer to help in any additional way they need.
I sincerely encourage you L to just go to your nearest abortion clinic and observe for awhile, as I'm sure the opportunity to compassionately come along beside the woman who desperately needs your unique help will soon present itself.
AbortionHurts, at 9:36 PM
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